2" Carnivorous Bundle


The 2" Carnivorous Bundle is a unique collection of small, intriguing carnivorous plants, perfect for adding a touch of excitement and natural pest control to any bioactive vivarium or indoor garden. Each bundle typically includes a variety of compact species known for their fascinating insect-trapping mechanisms. These miniature plants not only enhance the visual appeal of your setup but also serve a functional role in controlling unwanted pests.


Lighting Requirement:
Carnivorous plants generally require bright, indirect light to thrive. A sunny windowsill or supplemental grow lights will help keep them healthy and promote optimal growth. Some species may tolerate lower light conditions but will grow more slowly and may not trap as many insects.

Watering & Humidity:
Water the plants with distilled or rainwater to avoid mineral buildup, as tap water can harm carnivorous plants. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. These plants thrive in high humidity, so placing them in a humidity tray or using a room humidifier can help maintain the ideal environment.

Temperature Requirement:
The ideal temperature range varies depending on the specific species included in the bundle. Generally, most carnivorous plants prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). Be sure to research the particular needs of each species in the bundle to provide the best care. Avoid exposing the plants to temperatures below 50°F (10°C) or sudden temperature fluctuations.

Includes: 6 individual 2” plants, these plants are chosen at random, with all intention to include a full variety.

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The 2" Carnivorous Bundle is a unique collection of small, intriguing carnivorous plants, perfect for adding a touch of excitement and natural pest control to any bioactive vivarium or indoor garden. Each bundle typically includes a variety of compact species known for their fascinating insect-trapping mechanisms. These miniature plants not only enhance the visual appeal of your setup but also serve a functional role in controlling unwanted pests.


Lighting Requirement:
Carnivorous plants generally require bright, indirect light to thrive. A sunny windowsill or supplemental grow lights will help keep them healthy and promote optimal growth. Some species may tolerate lower light conditions but will grow more slowly and may not trap as many insects.

Watering & Humidity:
Water the plants with distilled or rainwater to avoid mineral buildup, as tap water can harm carnivorous plants. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. These plants thrive in high humidity, so placing them in a humidity tray or using a room humidifier can help maintain the ideal environment.

Temperature Requirement:
The ideal temperature range varies depending on the specific species included in the bundle. Generally, most carnivorous plants prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). Be sure to research the particular needs of each species in the bundle to provide the best care. Avoid exposing the plants to temperatures below 50°F (10°C) or sudden temperature fluctuations.

Includes: 6 individual 2” plants, these plants are chosen at random, with all intention to include a full variety.